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Rockwood Gem and Mineral Society
St. Louis, Missouri


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February Speaker
Peggy Nuske gave a great a geological slide tour of hwy.55. All along Missouri highways, rock outcrops show that Missouri has an interesting geological past and some of the best sites to collect rocks, minerals and fossils.

Welcome New Members
We are pleased to welcome three new members to our club. They are Judie Heitland, Helen's daughter, and Craig and DeAnna Cottrell, the son and daughter-in-law of the Cottrells. Craig and DeAnna are also our Web Masters.



Cedar Valley Gems gives this Shop Hint: Do you have some marcasite that's going to pieces? Youre not alone. Try this: Mix one heaping Tablespoon baking soda in one quart of water. Let it effervesce and wash the marcasite in it. Rinse well with water and dry. Then dip the marcasite in medium weight mineral oil and drain well. Check the boxes in which marcasite specimens are stored as they form sulfuric acid and can eat through their containers. (Via Fulton County Rock Hounder, via Gem City Rock News.)


The Gemrock, Did you know tourmaline is the only word in the English language that contains ten letters all different and having all five vowels? (Via The Gemrock, Independence MO)

Rock Lore
Geological Mystery in Missouri
Eight craters, each several miles wide, run in a perfectly straight line from western Kansas, through Missouri, into Illinois. This 435-mile long line of mystery craters runs along an ancient fault system. These geologic structures are eroded and buried beneath a mile of sediment.

Some look like meteorite impacts, but some don't. Some have volcanic rock, but some don't. Some craters contain "shocked rocks," where rocks are subjected to high pressures, such as those found around meteorite craters. The craters contain deformed and crushed rocks surrounded by faults. Geologists, trying to determine what formed these craters, have tended to form two viewpoints: terrestrial and extraterrestrial; volcanic or meteoritic. The structures have several different ages, which would tend to rule out a single meteoritic event and multiple meteorites, falling in a perfectly straight line, seems highly improbable. A volcanic theory problem is that high-pressure shocked rocks have so far never been found at any known volcanic site, not even Krakatoa.

A graduate student at Johns Hopkins came up with a theory that may solve the plausibility and probability aspects of this mystery. He noted that the ages of the craters roughly coincide with some major tectonic events: the continental breakup during the Cambrian Period, formation of the Mississippi Valley, and two episodes of mountain building of the Appalachians. He believes that this violent shoving of the crust in the proximity of deeply embedded volatile gasses could cause a gas explosion with enough energy to shock rocks.

Whatever caused them, Missouri's six great linear craters remain a fascinating anomaly with the query, "When will the old fault POP again"? (via Chatbox, St. Louis MO)


Only in we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and leave useless junk boxed in the garage. (Via Crystal Cluster, October 1998)


"Rockhound" a term used first by oil well drillers for geologists, who would often smell rock samples to detect the odor or oil. They said, "He hunts for oil like a hound dog." Thus, he is a rockhound. And ever after people who go around picking up rocks are "Rockhounds"
(Via Chatbox)


Meeting of January 22,1999

Speaker:Dr. Mike Fuller, anthropology Professor at Florissant Valley
Present: 19 guests and 18 members
President Bob Morse called the meeting to order at 7:30

Andy Larson gave the following treasurer's report: checking balance $1694.96, CD $1992.80, savings $160.93, petty cash $6. Total is $3845.69. Currently there are 8 paid memberships. Dues are due at this time.

Gordon Kummer mentioned the forthcoming field trips:
Please contact Gordon for details or to affirm your attendance at 441-0226. He would like member's suggestions for trips. A March trip is set for the 26th. See the Calendar.

Gordon also shared, for the association, that planing was in place for the August I999 show at Queeny Park. The June swap at the mining museum is also being planned.

Guests were asked to introduce themselves and were welcomed

The club voted to approve the $62.04 cost of the ad in the newspaper to publicize our program with Mike Fuller. Joan Schlicter will be reimbursed by Andy for this amount. Our web site is appreciated.

Mary Parron shared the programs she has lined up: February - Peggy' Nuske giving a geological slide tour of hwy.55 and March, Ken Cole, curator at Mastodon State Park, talking about fossils.

Door prizes were drawn for Gordon Kummer and Jacob Weller

Judie Heitland, Craig and DeAnna Cottrell were welcomed as new members. Gordon set up a great silent auction! Mike Fuller donated a couple children's "dig" shins to it.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 for a time of refreshments and fellowship. Bob, Claudia, Helen and the Larsons furnished the food.


Board meeting January 22, 1999 6;55pm All officers and several guests were present.

Bob Morse, president called the meeting to order.

Andy Larson gave the treasurer's report as follows: checking balance $1694.96, CD $1992.80, savings $160.93, petty cash $6. Total is $3845.69. Currently there are 8 paid memberships. Dues are due at this time.

The following were discussed:

Approval for a newspaper ad costing $62.04 in order to advertise our meeting with Mike Fuller. Since this is over the limit of $50, it will need to be approved by the club at large. Mary Parrott put the advertisement on our web site and currently has a rock display at the Weber Library.

Bob Morse bought hospitality supplies costing $26.81. The board voted to reimburse him as requested.

Mary Parrott said that she has lined up the programs through March. February will be Peggy Nuske giving us slide, geological tour of hwy.55, and March will be Ken Cole, curator of Mastodon State Park, presenting a program on fossils.

With no further discussion at hand the meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm.

Respectfully submitted by Dianne Larson , Sec.