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Rockwood Gem and Mineral Society
St. Louis, Missouri


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February 2002 

Congratulations New Committee Chairpersons!
Many thanks go to our retiring Chairpersons, Mary Parrott, George Martin and Roy Cottrell. Our club wouldn’t be able to function without people like you! Now you can rest for a year! Maybe!

Our previous historian, Roy Cottrell, is going to finish making the video scrapbook about our club. He needs our help though. We have many pictures of members-new and old, places, field trips, etc. It would be nice if we get these together with labels to give to Roy so that a permanent record could be made.

Mineral of the Month
Hank Schlichter’s “Mineral of the Month” will be Calcite. If anyone has a specimen, he would like to bring to show or ask about, please do.

This month we will be seeing a video on Quarries. With weather so unpredictable, we decided to do this rather than hire a speaker. Then we will plan a field trip to an actual quarry as soon as the weather clears up and we get the details all worked out. Since we have so many quarries around this area, this subject should be most appropriate.

Library Sale
Going, Going, Gone!
Here is a great chance to add to your Rockhound library! At the last board meeting, it was decided to liquidate our library. This will be for members only and will take place at our February Meeting. We will draw numbers and choose until all the books are gone.

Here is the latest news on our ailing members. Martha Cottrell is improving rapidly from her rotator cuff surgery. Both Roy and her physical therapist are trying hard to slow her down. She even wants to drive the new car Roy bought her.
Roy Cottrell is still having unexplained chest pains so may need to have another catheterization to find the problem.
Helen Heitland’s surgery had to be postponed because her echo cardiogram showed another problem. She also may have to have another catheterization.

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Rockwood Gem and Mineral Society
January 18, 2002

The meeting was opened by President Joan Schlichter at 6:30 p.
m.  She introduced the new officers, President, Joan Schlichter; Vice President, Peggy Nuske, Treasurer, Bob Morse; Secretary, Marianne Toenjes.

Committee heads are Field Trip, Andy Larson, Coordinator, Diane Larson, Educational, Hank Schlichter, Hospitality, Helen Heitland, Historian, Matt Bannon, Phone, Joyce Erhard and representatives to the Greater Association of Earth Science Clubs, Bob Morse and Barbara Sky.

The Board recommended that the club discontinue its library by giving away all books at the February meeting by drawing numbers for first choice, etc. until all books are gone.
It was then suggested that the Hospitality committee greet guests at all meetings.

Vice President Peggy Nuske asked whether members would prefer paid speakers at meetings or rented videos. She offered to contact a jeweler to give a presentation at a future meeting. The Schlichters offered to bring a video about quarries to the February meeting.

The Board meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.
Submitted by Secretary Marianne Toenjes 

News from other Clubs
Helpful Hints
When a leather buff becomes contaminated, wash in warm water, soaping two or three times with Fels Naptha bar, working the surfaces of the leather together in a scrubbing motion to dislodge the contaminant. Rinse well in warm water. Hang on a clothes line to dry. It is then ready to replace on the machine.
(Via Rock Rollers)

Bounce wipes up sawdust created during drilling or sand-papering. A used sheet of Bounce will collect sawdust like a tack cloth. (Via Leslie Neff-the Agatizer)

When using bell caps, you should rough or grind where the bell caps will fit. Be sure to use a good cleanser (not rubbing alcohol).If you pick up some children’s clay from the local store, you can successfully use it with the bell caps. Push the stone into the clay to hold it straight. Put the glue or epoxy on top of the stone and put the bell cap on it. That way it is easy to clean off and will not be so messy. By roughing the stone with emery cloth you will be able to make the epoxy hold a lot better. Be sure not to touch it with your fingers as they leave a film of fine oil on the material. (Via Homer C. Whitlock, Glacial Drifter)

More Rockhound

If you trip a specimen, the break will go through the largest crystal.

The beginner you are teaching will find twice as much stuff which is twice as good as what you find.

When times are hard, dealers sell to each other.

The best crystal finds in the field are buried in the hardest rock.

Hunting locations remain open only until rockhounds start hunting there.

Your “secret find” will have been cleaned out by a bulldozer when yu return.

There are no perfect specimens, just more or less damage.