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Rockwood Gem and Mineral Society
St. Louis, Missouri


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November 2003

October’s Meeting

We were fortunate to have Dr. Michael Fuller back to speak on “Ice Age Missouri.” As we know, Michael is a dynamic speaker who is chock full of fascinating information. Because of the world situation, he was unable to go to his site at Tel Tuneinir in Syria last summer.

However, he showed us some slides and talked about some of the sites right here in Missouri. The oldest site in Missouri was the Koch site discovered in 1804. There are several spots that used to be quicksand which contained some interesting ice age fossil. Michael related an incident about one of the Woolly Mammoths found in the British Museum. Apparently, the fossil, or at least the head of it, came from Missouri. By going into a cavity the animal had in one of its teeth, scientists dug out soil which contained the same type of seeds and pollen found at the Koch site.
By going to our web site, one can link on to Michael Fuller’s web pages. Look under “Public Archeology” and find all kinds of information.
By the way, Michael is taking a group to Cyprus for 10 days to explore using GPS and digital surveys. The cost is $2100.

Your editor has attached a report written by her young English friend, Sean McMahon, for the magazine,
Click Here!

ROCKWATCH. Sean has an avid love for fossils and very supportive parents. We met on the internet about eight years ago when Sean was only six. Sean gave his permission to reprint his article.

Election Of Officers Time Again!

Bob Morse is head of the nominating committee for 2003-2004. The committee is working hard at getting a slate together for November’s meeting. We especially need a new Vice President.

The main duties of this position is to stand in for the President when needed and to arrange for speakers for about five programs. New blood is what keeps a club from going stale. Why not think about serving in some capacity for a year? It would be great if some of our new members would consider helping freshen us up a bit!


What a bargain! For the sum of $20 for families and $15 for singles, you get 10 copies a year of this wonderful newsletter (postage included), several speakers each year, a picnic and a Christmas Party. Now that is pretty hard to beat, so let us all pay our dues to Bob Morse at the next meeting.

We are happy to announce that three new members joined our club last week!
A warm welcomes goes to: Raymond Juergens, Paul Gross, and Bonnie Rice. Each month we will feature a new member and tell a little bit about each one. We will start with Bonnie Rice. Bonnie is a native of South St. Louis who moved to West County about six years ago. She retired from Laclede steel. Bonnie has a daughter who lives in Baltimore and a son who lives here. She is blessed with five grandchildren. Bonnie became interested in our hobby last year.

Martha Cottrell is recovering from her first knee replacement. She has an appointment this week to decide about when to get her other one replaced. This has been a rough year for our own bionic woman---a rotator cuff, two new knees and all compounded by a restless leg.

We just received the following e-mail from Mary Parrott:
Just an update on family health problems. Beth just was diagnosed with Cancer and had a radical mastectomy two weeks ago and is going to have to undergo radiation and chemo treatments.
Her son Avery (our grandson) just had surgery yesterday to have tubes put in his ears and adenoids taken out. Both are doing fine at the present time.
Sorry we missed the meeting but things have been a little hectic lately.

Dianne & Andy Larson have volunteered to host our annual Christmas Party on Sunday, December 7 from 2-4 pm. We found that afternoons work out well because the weather that time of year is so unpredictable. Also, we won’t have to be running around in the dark trying to find the address.
Sign up at the next meeting and decide whether you want to bring a salad, a vegetable or a dessert. The club will furnish the meat.

Hints & Tips
Cleaning copper or brass? If your copper or brass jewelry has turned that brackish green color with black spots, rub thoroughly with barbeque sauce (any brand) and wash with soap and water.

If you have a rock to polish that has a crystal cavity, you can keep the crystals clear of polish and debris by packing the cavity with damp soap powder. After packing polish as usual. Boil out the soap when you are through. Via: Gem News

It’s a Matter of Opinion..
Three men of different occupations looked at the Grand Canyon.
The geologist said, “What a wonder of science!”
The Clergyman said, “One of the glories of God!”
The cowboy said, “A heck of a place to lose a cow!”


October 16, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Dianne Larson who presided over the meeting.
Treasurer Bob Morse read the treasurer's report which was approved. Bob read a letter from Art Hebrink thanking the club for its donation of $1000 for additions to the mineral collection at the Missouri Mines museum at Park Hills.
Education Committee chairman Hank Schlichter reminded us of upcoming rock shows including the one at the Stratford Inn the 1st week in November.
Bob Morse told of attending today's field trip to K Materials gravel pit at Old Monroe.
Dianne thanked Joyce for calling to
announce the visit by Mike Fuller as speaker at tonight's meeting.
Coordinator Dianne Larson announced that the Christmas party will be Sunday December 7 from 2-4 p.m. at the Larson home and invited members to sign up for the party.
Bob Morse agreed to be the head of the nominating committee for next year's officers.
Hospitality chairman Helen Heitland announced that there were 15 members and 3 guests, Ray Juergens, Bonnie Rice and Paul Gross.
Dianne announced that November's program will be about silver mining. Bob Morse will give the January program.
Hank Schlichter won the door prize.
The club approved of giving $50 to Bob Morse to purchase door prizes for the future.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 followed by a presentation by Mike Fuller on the ice age in Missouri. Along with a fascinating talk Mike gave us a way to access his web pages on google--michaelfullerst.louispublicarchaeology.